Clean Fuels Ohio comes to Vanner!

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Vanner recently hosted its’ first Clean Fuels Ohio event at their facility in Hilliard, Ohio, complete with examples of their technology on display. Participants came from various industries and communities to learn about Vanner’s patented IdleWatch® Idle Reduction System. We were fortunate enough to have Fleet Managers, House Majority Whip Cheryl Grossman, representatives from the City of Columbus and many more.  V.P. of Sales Bruce Beegle gave a speech on the features and benefits of Vanners’ technology and efforts to be “more Green” every day. Participants were treated to a tour of the facility, assisted by Vanner employees who showed them how some of the products are made. Perhaps the highlight of the day was thanks to COTA and AEP, as they both were kind enough to donate a Vanner equipped vehicle for the day. COTA uses the Vanner Hybrid Beltless Alternator (HBA™), resulting in improved fuel economy, cost savings on maintenance and weight savings. The AEP Truck was a Digger derrick that incorporated the Vanner IdleGuard, which allows the vehicle to alternate between Gas and Electric power by way of a sophisticated battery monitoring system. This is a great example of Ohio companies helping one another and keeping the money in state. These two companies are among the first to use our new vehicle electrification technology. Fuel savings on a device like this can save from 16-25% or more. Some very good food was had (thanks to Vanner’s Women in the Workplace group), and conversations continued after the scheduled closing time. It was a very successful event, and Vanner looks forward to doing more with CFO and other Green groups.

Tim McLane

National EMS Accounts Manager
Vanner Inc.


IdleWatch® Idle Reduction System

Hybrid Beltless Alternator (HBA™) COTA BUS

Start Sentry Ultracapacitor 

Clean Fuels Ohio
Experience Power…Experience Vanner!

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