May 17, 2017

Dear Valued Partner,

It has come to our attention that a phishing email has been sent to some of Vanner’s partners. The subject of the email is “Important Notice from Vanner,” and the body suggests we have made some pricing changes with a link provided to access the new price list.

That email did not originate from Vanner or from anybody doing business on our behalf. Vanner will never send you a link in an email.

We will continue to send out Price Lists as PDF attachments and only when requested. Our current Price List can be obtained from our website.

If the email mentioned here, or one similar, comes to you, please delete it, it is not generated at Vanner.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 614-771-3550.

Delmer Wells
Network Manager
Vanner Incorporated
4282 Reynolds Drive
Hilliard, Ohio 43026