James Finley named Service Manager at Vanner

Vanner is proud to announce the appointment of James Finley to Service Manager at Vanner.  He replaces Jeff Carey, who has moved to his new role on the Vehicle System Integration Team.

James is a 16 year veteran at Vanner with three years experience as the Team Leader on the ambulance inverter manufacturing line.  James was also an EMT for two years and a Volunteer Firefighter for five.

Due to his knowledge of how an EMT uses our inverters, his understanding of the inverter design and his troubleshooting skills, he moved to the Service Department 13 years ago.

James’s philosophy for managing Vanner’s Service Department is “Service is not a noun, it’s a verb. It’s not just a job, it’s a calling. It’s not just a way of doing business, it’s a philosophy of life”.

James can be contacted at 614-771-3503 or jamesf@vanner.com.

Tim McLane

National EMS Accounts Manager
Vanner Inc.

Experience Power…Experience Vanner!

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